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来源:教育部考试中心 2013-1-8 13:21:01

自2013年1月3日零点起, 中国考区GRE revised General Test 报名费调整为人民币1221元。





Starting 0:00 January 3, 2013, the GRE revised General Test registration fee in China will be changed to RMB1221.

Important Reminder

1、According to GRE requirement, Mainland Chinese test takers must carry valid Second Generation Resident ID as the only ID. Test takers with no required ID will be denied of entry in to test site and GRE will not refund or reschedule. According to the  Law of Resident Identification Document of the People’s Republic of China, the First Generation Resident ID becomes obsolete after December 31, 2012.  This is to remind all Mainland Chinese test takers to make sure before registration that you have already applied and obtained Second Generation ID or your current Second Generation ID are not expired.

2、The reporting time for all test takers at test sites is no later than 9:30am. Please plan your transport ahead of time to avoid late arrival and refusal of entry.




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